Q: I did found bugs from the program, should I report about them ?
Yes please. But first download the latest version, where the problem is perhaps already removed. If the error(s) still occur - contact the author, please.
IMPORTANT If you are sending a bug report or anything else regarding CIM via e-mail, include 'CIM' to beginning of the subject (example: 'CIM bugs'), and do not expect a reply if you are just saying hello or not asking something regarding CIM. Feedback is always welcome - good or bad.
Q: Caller data searching seems to be very slow..
A:Make sure you have CIM running with Task Priority 1 or greater so CIM is able to work fast enough when rendering, compliling etc at the same time.
It's also a good thing to set the buffer size for the device at least to 100 with addbuffers-command (addbuffers CIM: 100).
Q: How to tell CIM to execute script as an AREXX-script ?
A:Just make sure your arexx-script has .rexx at the end of the script name (in lower case), example: bbs_script.rexx
You must also make sure that you have the full path to rx in the Arexx field (Settings/Misc), normally this would be sys:rexxc/rx
NOTE AREXX is available only with WB 2.1 and newer Amiga OS.
Q: Why does some of the windows disappear suddenly?
A:There is a limited number of windows, so some of the windows are shared.
Q: CIM is not responding when a call is received. Whats wrong?
A:First thing is to set Device Speed to a lower value, 9600 should be fine and make sure device is opened on startup (Settings/Device). If you have selected a custom device driver then try to choose the system default: DEVS:serial.device
Take also a look on your CID Settings (Settings/CID) and make sure that Nmbr keyword is set right. Refer also question #7.
Q: The input number is garbled. What's wrong?
Q: How should the CallerId output look in a terminal program?
A:Well it depends how you are configured your modem, but usually it should look something like this:
DATE = 0000
TIME = 0000
NMBR = 021717171
If you don't own a terminal program then you may also examine serial log that CIM creates (CIM:LOG/LOG.serial). Active /disable it from Settings/Logs/Device Log.
Q: When I try to go online with Miami TCP stack (by Holger Kruse), I do get an error message that the serial port is already in use.
A:Install OwnDevUnit.library (by Christopher A. Wichura) to LIBS: and it should work fine. After this CIM keeps also a log (Out Log) of the calls made thru Miami (and other programs supporting OwnDevUnit and Shared Serial-mode). OwnDevUnit-package is available from Aminet /comm/misc/OwnDevUnit.lha and from Fred Fish Disk Library.
Q: How to rename /move to a new Area an old Caller Data File?
A:First search the record with Database/Search, select the record from the list and go to Database/Modify and enter the new numberstring to the Actual-field and it will be renamed. Note: Dsp-field is not updated automatically, update it if needed.
Q: How to send commands to Modem (Device)?
A:Just make sure that you have one of the CIM's window active, type in the command and press Enter. Make sure that you have Enabled Send keystorkes to Device-gadget from Settings/Misc.
Q: CIM was working, but since I installed V2 it's not starting at all.
A:Have you installed rexxhost.library (library by Olaf Barthel)? It should be present in LIBS: Download it from Aminet: /dev/misc/rexxhostlib.lha.
Q: I'm a registered user and I have installed the rg-plugin to CIM:bin/ but I can not access the RG-gadget on Browse window.
A:Have you installed rexxhost.library (by Olaf Barthel) ? It should be present in LIBS: Download it from Aminet: /dev/misc/rexxhostlib.lha.
Q: I want to use OwnDevUnit-support but the gadget at Settings/Device/ is ghosted.
A:Have you OwnDevUnit.library (by Christopher A. Wichura) present in LIBS:? Download it from Aminet: OwnDevUnit.lha .
Q: Can I turn off the Bold typeface?
A:Yes, but you will need V3 of CIM. You may then disable Bold from Settings/GUI/Use Bold
Q: What is CallSign /Distinctive Ring?
A:Its a method to identify the phone number called to when additional phone number(s) has been assigned to one line. Received ring string then identifies the phone number called to. This function may also require a special CallSign support in your modem.
Intertex (at least IX 36 DL) owners: Distinctive Ring is enabled with command: 'AT-sdr=7'
Example you have the voice phone number assigned to 'RING1' and the fax phone number assigned to 'RING2'
The caller have dialed your fax phone number:
DATE = 0000
TIME = 0000
NMBR = 021717171
This is the same caller, but she/he has dialed your voice phone number:
DATE = 0000
TIME = 0000
NMBR = 021717171
Take a look of the example ARexx script located at CIM:SCRIPTS/AREXX/CallSign.rexx to automatically act on CallSign /Distinctive Ring calls.
Received Ring string is also dispalyed on Incoming Call-widow (Rr:).
Updated: March 27th 2000.
Copyright by Jan-Erik Tervo. All rights reserved.